Skin was a New Wave/Jazz/Funk band from Boston Mass.
They released their first 7" in 1986:
Skin - Troubled Sleep 7"
A - Troubled Sleep
B - Stand Up
The B-side was not on the album
Skin - Sanity LP (1987)
1 U Flip 4 Evry 1
2 Beating Me Back
3 Troubled Sleep
4 Y am I so Cool?
5 Hit on the Head
6 Kakania
7 Kakania (part 2)
8 Venus Flytrap
9 (When You) Grow Up
10 Everythingz Fallin
11 Skin Sanity
12 Matter Over Mind
13 Ha-Ha-Ha
"U Flip 4 Evry 1"
This download includes the Sanity LP and the Troubled Sleep 7"
You will see this record on eBay every now and then and it's usually labeled "ska". Let it be known that there is not one single ska song on this album.
It's a friggen great album but there ain't no ska on it.
Keep in mind that the 7" is ultra-rare. I found it after looking for 14 years.
A 6 volume series of sax infused exotica inspired rock-n-roll stompers.
VOLUME ONE 1 James Holloway - A La Carte 2 The Jesters - Peter Gunn Twist 3 Bob Taylor - After Hours 4 The Phantom - Last Ride 5 Ken Williams - Trash Can 6 Buddy Miller - Teen Twist 7 Bob Callaway - Native
8 The Valiants - Don't Wanna Leave 9 The Crescendos - Countdown 10 The Wild Tones - Shut Ups 11 The Zirkons - Congawa 12 The Youngsters - Zebra 13 Tic and Toc - Jibba Jab
14 The Groovers - Groovy 15 Tarantual Ghoul - King Kong
16 The Singing Dogs - Rock & Roll 17 The Dyna Sores - Jungle Walk 18 The Casual-Aires - Thunderbird 19 John and Jackie - Little Girl 20 The Genteels - Take it Off 21 Barney Kessel - Honey Rock
VOLUME TWO 1 Jack Hammer - The Wiggle 2 The Noisemakers - Panic 3 Art Roberts - Give Her the Axe, Max! 4 The Frantics - The Whip 5 The Rockin' Belmarx - Torture Rock 6 Frank Motley and his Motley Crew - Honkin' at Midnight 7 The Ebonettes - Wild Man Walk 8 The Rhythm Addicts - Oomp Boomp 9 The Sheiks - Baghdad Rock 10 The Periscopes - Beaver Shot
11 Bob Bunny - The Joker 12 The Epics - On the Rocks 13 Barbara and the Boys - Hooty Sapperticker 14 Myron Cohen - The Twistin' Boogie 15 Bobby Christian - Enough Man! 16 Louie Oversees a Studio Session 17 Lee Braun - Talk About a Party 18 The Lushies - Drunken Guitar 19 The Empallos - Hiccups 20 The Highlights - Ah-So!
VOLUME THREE 1 Bob Taylor - Wowsville 2 The Party Rockers - House Party 3 The Fabulous Continentals - Breakin' Up 4 The Bikinis - Breakin Up 5 The Originals - Sleepless Hours 6 Bobby Summers - Pad 7 Bob & Dor - The Beat Generation 8 The Gauchos - Good and Bad 9 The Axcents - Hold it Mary 10 Johnny and the Baa Baas - Move Along 11 The Majestics - Riding By 12 Jack Hammer - Wiggling Fool
13 The Jesters - Jesters Jump 14 The Sparkles - Oh Girls, Girls 15 The Fabulous Tempoes - Nut Sundae 16 Bob Bunny - Scatty Cat 17 The Capers - Iced Tea 18 Cozy Cole - Bad 19 The Upsetters - The Strip 20 Space Man and the Rockets - Cave Man Love
VOLUME FOUR 1 Jack Ross - Mumbles 2 Willie Wright and His Sparklers - Gibble Gobble 3 Andre Williams - Sweet Little Pussycat 4 Edgar Allen and the Po' Boys - Panic Button 5 The Gee-Cees - Buzzsaw Twist
6 The Jaguars - Exit Six 7 The Earthworms - Mo' Taters 8 Mad Man Jones - Yeah! 9 The Charts - For the Birds 10 The Fabulous Raiders - Handclapping Time 11 Roger & the Gypsies - Pass the Hatchet 12 The Egyptians - Party Stomp 13 The Escorts - Wiped Out 14 The Crescendos - Hawk Walk 15 The Playboys - Wahtizit 16 The Nighthawks - Chicken Grabber 17 The Charts - Oooba Gooba 18 The Instrumentals - Are You Nervous?
19 Bud Grippah - Hold It 20 The Noblemen - Dragon Walk
VOLUME FIVE 1 Chaino - The Chase 2 Jimmy Oliver - The Sneak
3 The Four Instants - Bogatini 4 The Jaguars - Drive In 5 The Hound Dogs - Beach Girl 6 Big Bob Dougherty - Squeezer 7 Ronnie and the Rainbows - Loose Ends 8 The 50 Milers - The Grunt 9 Luchi - Screwdriver 10 Ritchie and the Squires - Beat Party 11 The Gravestone Four - Rigor Mortis 12 Chaino - Rockin Bongos 13 The Sparklers - Bloodhound 14 Que' Martin - Work With It 15 The Jets - Scoot 16 The Rhythm Kings - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff 17 The Central High School Cafeteria - First Rhapsody for Forks, Knives, and Spoons 18 The Bikinis - Bikini 19 The Flintales - D-Rail 20 The Swingers - Night Walk 21 The Regal-Airs - It 22 The Playboys - Charge It
VOLUME SIX 1 Ray Gee and His Orchestra - The Slouch 2 Bowleggs - One More Time part 2 3 The Poor Boys - Washboard taks 1 4 Johnny Little John and Guitar - Johnny's Jive 5 Tommy Smith Jr. Trio - Cold Slaw 6 Sam and the Saxtones - Kaput 7 El Capris - Safari 8 Omar Kay - Turkish Coffee 9 Lord Sundance - Pretty Lord Sundance part 1 10 Big Bo Thomas and the Arrows - How About It part 1 11 Garnell Cooper and the Kinfolks - Long Distance 12 Freddy Scott and the 4 Steps - Same Ole Beat 13 Willie Weems and the Outlaws - Snuff Time 14 Chaz & 2 - Soupbone 15 George Kelly and Orchestra - Ain't That Good 16 Lonnie Brooks - The Train 17 The Kinfolks - Mustang 18 The Jaguars - Jaguar 19 The Towers - The Sneak
Skaramouche - No Exit (2007)
I posted their second CD HERE but I never did find a copy of their first
one but recently I found that somebody had posted it online at 128 kbps.
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